Meta language
that which manipulates information and proliferation of information can be considered a language or a memetic tool
see : meta aesthetics => aesthetics (meta language) => language (meta communication) => communication => memes.[1]
meta language = epimeme
if aesthetics is to be known as a leaky abstraction of communication and signalling as a whole, then it would be suffice to think of aesthetics as a meta language.
if meta language, then to expand even more on Wittgenstein, it would have its own "game"
"The human gaze has a power of conferring value on things; but it makes them cost more too" - Ludwig Wittgenstein.
What is "value" here? My interpretation would be in evolutionary lens. Physiological(biological) value & utility. The abstracted meme as a utility of information.
"meta-aesthetics": acceptance of postmodernism would refer to the notion of subjectivity & the underpinnings of that which would be physiological differences in aesthetic orientation via abstraction
see more here :
language games & meta language games[edit]
language games are Darwinian in the way that they effect sexual selection
this ties back into game theory and evolution
games reinforce tribalism, and tribalism reinforces games,
tribalism as an emergent solution to hierarchy and group selection
Philosophy and shitposting
Domains of social language games.
Social games are Darwinian.
group selection relies : communication for coordination communication = reliant on memes (concepts) language games => intra-group-selection
nodes communicate, when there is a surplus of nodes language games "emerge"
paper on evo psych & complex systems : …